Y1 - teach computing

Lesson Focus

  • What does the word technology mean?

  • Identifying all types of technology.

  • How does technology help us in our lives?

  • Identifying technology in the classroom, how does it help us?

  • Identify things that are NOT technology and talk about WHY they are not classed as technology.

  • Technology at home - share examples.

  • First look - Base units and laptops.

  • Difference between a laptop and computer base unit.

  • Difference between a tablet, mobile phone and a computer or laptop.

  • Work through the slides, getting children to draw and label the various parts that make up a computer system.

  • Other accessories we might use with a computer.

  • Input and output devices.

ICT Focus & Computing Focus

  • Able to use a keyboard.

  • Able to use a mouse and use left and right click and use the scroll wheel.

  • Identify and click the correct links on a website.

  • Complete various tasks.

  • Demonstrate ability to Drag “n” Drop.

  • identify the different components that make up a computer system.

  • Explain the difference between a base unit and a laptop.

  • List other accessories we might use with a computer or laptops and why.

  • Open and complete the test exam.

  • Able to enter their name in the correct place.

  • Follow the instructions and complete the test.

  • Submit work for marking.

  • Review incorrect answers.

introduction to computing year 1

There is a big push at the moment to teach more computing to children at primary school (Teach Computing). What is meant by "Teach Computing" is how computers work, the different parts that make up a computer system, networks and how the internet works.

Making A Start

We are very much at the start at Aldwyn Primary School and are beginning to plan a number of lesson to meet what is expected by The National Centre for Computing Education. Year 1 is the trail and we start by looking a t the meaning of technology.

Technology is all around us

What is Technology?

Everyone naturally assumes that when we talk about technology we mean computers, laptops, mobile phones, and electronic equipment in general. But, technology is anything we make that helps us.

During our class discussion we get children to identify items that are classed as technology and items that are not. We identify and sort them. and children start to identify technology in the classroom explaining how it help us.

Computers we use

Laptops & PC's?

Children started to identify the different parts that make up a computer system, from the base unit, monitor, keyboard and mouse that are require to control it,. We also add speakers and microphone.

Children also looked at the difference between a laptop and base unit and understood that a laptop is a portable device with a built in screen, mouse pad and keyboard. It is also powered from a battery.

We look at tablets and mobile phones and talked about how they differ to from a PC or laptop.

what's going on inside?

Parts that make it work

Children took a look at all the different parts that make a computer work. We simplified what these parts do, for example we say the microprocessor was the brain and the computer contained two types of memory, one that could remember while the computer was turned on, and the other (hard drive) could remember when the computer was turned off.

Children understood that some parts are input devices, like a mouse or keyboard and some parts are output devices like a monitor or speakers.

YEAR 1 - Our Work

Some of our Work

To share our knowledge and understanding children made sketches of computers, laptops and all the different parts that make up a computer system.

They also sketched all the different parts that make a computer work. Because Year 1 have mouse and keyboard skills they were able to take a self marking quiz that tested their knowledge. Average class scores was 8.5 out of ten.