BBC Micro:Bit

Lesson Focus

Digital Skills & Computing Focus

Open Google Classroom

Open links to the BBC Makecode website and log in with their Google account.

Create a new coding project.

Follow instructions to code the various projects.

Use keyboard shortcuts. If required.

Understand left and right mouse clicks.

Able to complete the “Drag “n” Drop” activities if required.

Complete the worksheets.

Copt the Drag "n" Drop activity to the worksheet.

Duplicate blocks of code.

Create and use variables.

Use and understand IF, THEN, ELSE code.

Test and debug code in the makecode simulator.

Understand how to pair a microbit and download code..

"Flash" the microbit with code and test.

Key vocabulary
Hardware, Software, Digital Device, Tiny Computer, Software, algorithm, Input, Process, Output, LED Display, Processor, Memory, Flash Memory, Battery Powered, Accelerometer, Compass, Temperature Sensor, Light Sensor

Think of the BBC micro:bit as a tiny computer that fits in the palm of your hand. It's like a blank canvas for creating all sorts of fun and amazing things, from robots and games to musical instruments and even weather stations!

The micro:bit is smaller than a credit card. It has an LED light display with 25 red LED lights, two buttons, sensors, and different features. These include an accelerometer, which can tell when the micro:bit is moving, a compass which shows the direction it is moving in, and a radio and Bluetooth transmitter that can interact with other devices.

Here's the cool part! Coding the Micro:bit is actually pretty easy, especially with a website called MakeCode. It's like playing with building blocks, but instead of making towers, you're making code!

MakeCode is where all the magic happens! Start a New Project: Click the "New Project" button to create a blank space for your code. It's like getting a fresh sheet of paper to start drawing on. On the left side, you'll see a bunch of colorful blocks. Each block represents a different command you can give to the Micro:bit

📸photographic summary 📸

The Microbit's superpowers

The micro:bit has superpowers! It can see light and darkness, feel how hot or cold something is, and even knows when you tilt or shake it. This lets you create projects that react to the world around you!

It has tiny LED lights that can blink and shine in different colours, and buttons you can press to control what it does. Imagine making a dance party for your robot or a traffic light that changes based on how loud you clap! 

The micro:bit can talk to other devices like your phone or tablet, and even other micro:bits! This means you can build things together with your friends or control your projects from afar.

Input, process, output

This is how the Micro bit gets information from the outside world. It can be through:

Once the Micro bit receives input, its tiny brain gets to work! It uses the code you wrote to understand what to do with the information. This could be remembering a button sequence, playing a specific sound when it hears something, or even making calculations based on sensor data.

This is how the Micro bit shows you what it's doing or what it has understood. It can do this through:

The possibilities are endless, depending on your imagination and the code you write!

📸Microbit Slideshow 📸

Microbit Slider for site