programming the Code
Computer code iseverywhere
Year 5 have been learning about computer programs. Instead of just concentrating on programming we talked about the importance of computer code in everyday life and the fact that computer code is everywhere and the dangers of hacking.
Every smart device you have in your home probably contains a micro-controller that has software in the form of a computer program controlling it. Below is a list of everyday items that contain some sort of computer code.
Programming & coding
We shared our thoughts on Jamboard and moved on to talk about how computer program are written and work. We looked at Loops Forever Loops, “If” Statements, Variables. While Loops and much more.
Children began to explore and write their own code using Scratch and we worked together to write some simple programs that could be modified to produce a fun and exciting game.
Even Everyday things have computer code
Microwave Ovens
Washing Machines.
Burglar Alarm.
Central Heating.
Smart Watches
Streaming Devices.
Trains, Buses and Trams.
Traffic Lights.
Smart Doorbells.
Air Fryers / Microwave ovens.
working at different levels
We know that children work at different rates, so some children was given an opportunity to jump ahead and develop their own games or were given worksheets with jumbled up code that they had to put in the correct order to produce a working program.
Peer to peer learning made a big different to children who might have otherwise been left behind.