Lesson Focus

Digital Skills & Computing Focus


After a long break due to lockdown year 3 has finally started to do some coding with Code.org and Scratch. code.org is a great program to introduce children to coding, it starts with some very easy challenges that get harder and harder. We all know Scratch, possibly the most popular coding site used in primary school.

Gathering Data

This lesson wasn't just about coding, we wanted children to incorporate some extra skills as well. The challenge was to simulate the rolling of a dice in Scratch. What we asked children was "is the roll completely random or could the next number be predicted"? We used Google Sheets to visualise our data and the children come to their a conclusion.

Best of both worlds


We started on coed.org, which has a very simple introduction to coding with each section gradually getting harder and harder. After a couple of weeks, we move on to the main lesson and which was coding with Scratch.

Children worked through the various stages of coding their "dice" program and debug any problems. Once finished we could move on to collecting data.

Gathering data

Collecting & Displaying Data

We asked children if they thought the roll was random and if it was possible to predict the next number. Did some numbers appear more often than others?

Children collected data in paper format after each spin and transferred that information to Google Sheets then visualised that data in graph form.

You can see the paper collection sheets and children working on their graphs in the slide show on the right.


Y2 Coding Slider

As usual, children also complete a simple worksheet on Google Classroom. They linked their graph produced on Google Sheets to their worksheet so any modification made will be updated in Docs. Children really enjoyed customising their graphs using different colours and styles.

Decode the code

Above you see the finished program and on the right you can see the code but it's all mixed up. Can you put the code back in the right order to make a working program? Click the green flag to start.